Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 27 - Leadership is key

Today, Miss Neo returned us our test papers before going through the common mistakes made by the class. I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that I have not only pass my test but have in fact, gotten 85/100! I felt a strong sense of fufilment as the memory of me cracking my head during the test was still vivid. After going through the paper, we were given a revision practical test to practice for the upcoming Practical test on Thursday.

After our lunch break, it was back to class for lessons. Miss Neo taught us the chapter on leadership and motivation. Throughout my 18 years of life, I realized that even though most of us were not blessed with the ability to lead, we can be taught to lead. A leader allows the ability of his group member to compliment each other rather than to hinder it. In a way, having leadership qualities is akin to having the key to unlocking the vast potential in any group of people.

Today I also noticed my school fence.

Shards of glass were cemented to the edge of the wall, functioning as a make-shift fence. It was indeed an eye-opener for me, as I have never seen anything like that locally. What was really inspirational was that even though the chinese are less well-off compared to Singaporeans, they refuse to give in to circumstances and come up with ideas like this for their daily life. Perhaps we need a little less affluence in our life for creativity to fill in the gaps.


I realized that to be a leader, you have to be a good team member first. This is similar to my experience as a captain in my school's Track & Field team: no matter how good you are individually, your team would not win if you are the only one succeding. Training myself would create only one good athlete. Lead the entire team however, and I would have twenty fine athletes! However I also believe that as a leader, I must be firm and strong. I must do what is right rather that what is popular. By doing what is right, I will be able bring my group or whatever team that I am leading to success.


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