Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 7 - Cold Bright Sunshine

Today was like any other school days in Singapore except for the cold sunny weather again. I swear the sun was shining so brightly that I know sweating was definitely possible if I were to be in Singapore. Usually in Singapore, I would be angry if the weather was cold because of the rain. However in Wuhan, it is like a dream come true. A cold temperature on a bright sunny day! ^_^

So because of the awesome cool weather with addition to exhaustion from going out and sleeping late at night, many of my classmates gave in to sleep during break time. Due to all that too that some of my classmates are not feeling well. The common sickness were coughs and flu. That was why the advice given to us was to drink a lot of water! Some of the students were role models because they drank a lot of water, took good care of themselves and now, they are fit. One of the students is Wei Qin! Although Singapore is hot and due to sweat that we dehydrate, but in Wuhan, the weather is so cold that the skin, lips and even throat gets dried up. Thus drinking plenty of water is as important in Wuhan as it is in Singapore. ^_^

Winter is soon going to be over and spring is coming over to say hi! During the first few days in Wuhan, all I can see were bald trees, bald trees and more bald trees. Today while I was on my way for dinner, I saw a tree with beautiful flowers blooming from it's branches! It was such a beautiful sight because firstly in Singapore there are no trees with only flowers on it. Secondly, most trees are full of green leaves and last but not least, it is the first time in my life that I have seen such a thing. May be that is why I find flowers blooming on tree branches fascinating. ^_^

So after I saw the beautiful tree that fascinates me, I saw a group of women dancing in a large open area on the pavement! What caught my attention was that all of the ones who were dancing were women of different ages and they were dancing in the cold! I was told that what they were doing was a line dance. A line dance is a choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more rows, all facing the the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. So all the dancers in the rows will follow the leader who will lead them through the dance. ^_^

So finally after walking for about 15 minutes, I reached the destination for dinner. I ate at a fast food restaurant called CNKLS. It was similar to the fast food restaurants in Singapore such as McDonalds and KFC. The only difference was that they serve their fast food with warm drinks! I was shocked because when I ordered the meal, I was really expecting something cold when I sipped drink through a straw from the cup. However when I sipped the drink, instead of a cold orange juice, it was a warm orange juice! Honestly, I was quite surprised because it was the first fast food restaurant I had been to that served warm juice. May be it was because of the cold weather that the restaurant decided that it should serve warm drinks to it's customer. Well, I think it isa good idea because the warm drink did heat my body up a little. ^_^

I think getting to experience the weather in Wuhan is something really worth the money, time and effort. Due to the weather, I get to feel and see many different things in Wuhan that I dont get to see in Singapore. I got to feel cold while the sun shone brightly, I got to see flowers blooming on the branches of a bald tree, I got to see and feel the snow and I even got to drink warm orange juice served in a fast restaurant! Another thing about Wuhan's cold weather now is that it saves electricity bills, especially the air-conditioner. One extreme of this is the open-air shopping centre. The weather was so cold that it was similar to an air-conditioner or even colder. However I think after a few more weeks, the cold weather will be gone and I am sure to miss it.


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