Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 22 - Jiansheer Lu and Beyond

Today was the day of the test and I feel quite excited rather than scared because it was the first test I am taking in Wuhan! Taking a test in Wuhan gives me a different feeling than taking a test in Singapore. In Singapore, I can really feel the pressure but some how in Wuhan, I am more calm. I wonder if it has anything to with the confidence level that I will most likely pass the test. ^_^

So after the test, my roommates and I decided to sweep and wash the floor of our dormitory. I just took the photos and became the DJ while my roommates did most of the hard work of sweeping and scrubbing the floor. However I did sweep a little bit around my area of the bed. It was during the cleaning our dormitory floor that we realized that our dormitory floor was very dirty. There was a huge pile of dust collected and the water that was used to scrub the floor was rather dark! ;D It actually feels great after washing the cement floor of our dormitory because the floor seems so clean and when I stepped on it with my bare foot, it was clean and there were totally no dust! ^_^

So after cleaning our room, my roommates and I decided to explore Jian Sheer Lu and the streets further ahead!
So as I walked along the streets of Wuhan, I saw many interesting things. The first thing I saw were ladies knitting. They were so good at it that they do not even have to look when they knit! One of the ladies was using a circular machine to actually make a a blanket out of a ball of string. I suppose it is a very old machine sinc it is made out of wood and cheap metal! The sight actually brings back memories when my grandmother used to knit when I was much younger.

The next thing I saw right after the group of ladies was a man selling a lot of oranges straight from a lorry! I have a feeling that the oranges are probably fresh for the man's farm. Just imagine how sweet his oranges were! However did not buy the oranges but all we wanted were ice-cream at that moment of time. Not long after we past the lorry, our wish actually came true! We found a shop that sold ice-cream and decided to buy one! Remember thisequation, Cold Weather + Ice-cream + A Long Walk = Good Times ^_^

As we walk further ahead, we found a wet market in Wuhan! From a distance, we actually saw fishes, vegetables, fruits and other raw food being sold in the market. I was quite amazed by this because it was the first wet market that I saw after 22 days! At least now I know where some o the locals get their food to cook from. In Singapore, wet markets are usually very common in the neighbourhoods. ^_^

As we were heading back to our dormitory, along the same road, I saw groups of aged men playing cards and even mahjong! Looking at this, the closest in Singapore that I can compare them to are the aged men playing cards and chess at the coffee shops and at the void decks. It is quite similar with the only difference of venue.

To me, the streets of Wuhan are similar if not just a litle bit different from the neighbourhood streets in Singapore. In Wuhan, the streets are quiet and empty, similar to the neighbourhood streets in Singapore at less developed areas such as Hougang, Eunos and Serangoon. However talking about the population in these areas, Singapore definitely has the edge because there are many high rise buildings in Singapore whether the place is developed or less developed. As you can see from the pictures, the houses at these areas are mostly a maximum of 4 levels only. In Singapore, most high rise bulidings reach up to 20 floors! It is really interesting comparing the number of people in China and in Singapore. Even though in China there are over 1 billion people, but when a small area is compared, the ratio is much higher in Singapore than in China! However despite the number of people, I am glad to be a Singaporean and I am very proud of my country. ^_^


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