Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 13 - Failure of My Immune System

Day 13, the day viruses started winning the battle against my immune system. I do not know what is the cause that I am sick now but after research, there are a few probabilities. It is either that I am eating too much, eating too complex, too little exercise or too little sleep. However despite feeling unwell, I went to class today hoping to learn something without having to suffer much and also finish up my part of the project work. Good thing cost crashing was not so hard. Although there are many iterations that are need to be done, however I think it is good practise as A for Project Management is imperative for me this semester. ^_^

So after the morning half of class, I had no appetite to eat anything but Si Hao and Noor made me try fried potato which are shaped like french fries. In China, potato is a very common food on the streets. The potatoes they sell are different from the french fries in Singapore. The potatoes are really peeled and mould into shapes to make it more appealing to customers. The potatoes itself is enough to make me full.

So after resting in my dormitory for 1 hour during break time, I went back to class to continue doing assignments on cost crashing. To be honest, having to bare the pain sickness was giving me and the cold weather at the same time was tough. I was feeling really hot internally but I was feeling cold on the outside. My head was so dizzy and my body was so weak that I could not even walk straight! After class, I finished my part of the project work and went back to my dormitory immediately to rest. For the first time my life, I wanted so much to be covered under a blanket and feel warm. However my happiness was destroyed when my friends wanted to go out to have dinner. So off I was in the cold searching for food! After walking for about 10 minutes, we found a Muslim stall deep inside an alley! ^_^

What got me thinking was the menu of the restaurant and the amount of space they had for cooking. We had over 50 food items to choose from but the cooking area was so small! Just imagine how much ingredients they need to store for the various types of dishes. After looking at their menu, I cannot imagine if many customers were in their restaurant and each customer was ordering a different dish. Just imagine how long a customer must wait before his or her order arrives if the restaurant is packed. However after eating at the muslim restaurant, I realised that it does not matter where I buy my food from be it from the school canteen, the streets or even from the Muslim restaurant, the portion of food given will always be a lot. May be it has to do with China's culture. In China, I was told that we should not eat until our plate was very clean but instead leave some leftovers. Cleaning up our plate indicates that not enough food was given and that it is considered rude to the owner of the food stalls. Interesting culture right? ^_^

So after dinner, all my friends accompanied me back to my dormitory. I feel very lucky having them around. Although I know that I always disturb them, call them names or even scold them, they are still willing to stay by my side and take care of me in times when I am not feeling well or in times when I am down. May be some of them may not know that I really appreciate what they did for me but I really hope that their good deeds will be paid one day. I love you guys! And thanks Jean for giving me cough medicine and anti-biotics! ^_^

Sorry Meow Lin and Eline! I do not have photos of the two of you. ^_^


It was the first time I am experiencing being sick during a cold season and it is definitely not a good experience. Firstly, the weather is so cold that I was literally shivering even though there was a heater in the classroom and also in my dormitory. Secondly, even though my body was very weak, I had to walk in the cold to have my dinner and it was the most unpleasant walk I have ever had. Thirdly, my interim project presentation is coming up in 2 days time and now I am sick! I hope after I sleep tonight, I will feel much better tomorrow so that I can help my group members with the group work and do well for the interim presentation! I also realised that even though it was the winter season, very few people get sick during this season. Chaoran told me that many people in China will only get sick during Summer and Autumn because that is when most of the diseases will spread very fast. Good thing I came to Wuhan during the winter season! How lucky. ^_^


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