Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day11 - KTV

Music makes the world go round. Music is what feelings sound like. Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. Today, my friends and I expressed our feelings at a KTV (Karaoke Television) in Wuhan for 4 to 5 hours straight! It was the biggest KTV I have ever seen! Definitely, surely there is no KTV in Singapore that is as big as the KTV here in Wuhan. The waiting lounge was amazingly beautful and it was the first thing that caught my attention. The lounge was so beautiful that it brought out the passion of being a model in the guys! ^_^

As I enter the hall way of the KTV heading to the room that my friends and I were assigned to, I was awed by the architecture of the place. There were neon lights on the walls, hexagon-shaped mirrors on the room doors and ven music videos were played on plasma television on the walls. Even the toilet in the KTV has a seating toilet bowl! It was the first seating toilet bowl I saw in Wuhan as most toilets in Wuhan are using the traditional squatting toilet bowls. Somehow it felt like home! ^_^

I thought that even if the hall way of the KTV were well desiged, the rooms would be normal, similar to the ones in Singapore. I was wrong! As I entered the room, the first thing I remembered saying was "wow". I was speechless. They had a very comfortable sofa, a bar area, a plasma television at the front and a smaller telvision at the bar area, a dance floor area, a projector flashing disco lights; and this room is the 'small' room! The cost of the KTV is also very cheap. Normally in Singapore, we have to pay about $20 per person. In Wuhan, we only paid 30RMB per person. That is only about $6! ^_^

As you can see from the television in the pictures, most of the songs played are in chinese. However I think it is good because subconsciously, I am being exposed to chinese. Chaoran, one of the WUST students said that it is easier to learn chinese if I listen to chinese songs. I think it is true because by hearing to music, it makes learning more fun. So from now onwards, I am going to listen to more chinese songs! So after having fun at the KTV, we headed to KFC. It was similar to Singapore's KFC. The only difference was the uniform. In Singapore, the uniform is red shirt and black pants. In Wuhan, the uniform is a pink shirt and dark grey pants. I felt awkward because may be I am used to seing the uniform in Singapore. ^_^


During the KTV session, I fell in love with one song called Dou Jiang You Tiao. The song was so catchy to me that it got stuck in my head. When I got back to my dormitory, Hazel told me the title of the song and I downloaded it immediately. I also looked up at the lyrics in hanyu pinyin and started singing to the song. As I sang the song, I learned this sentence. "Wo ai ni ai dao lao". The point is that it is not about what I learned but how fast I learnt it. This shows that songs actually has the ability to make someone learn faster due to the melodious tune that will help one remember the words. So after that incident, I started to download more chinese songs such as Zhi Dui Ni Shuo, Wo Bu Pei, etc. I am inspired to learn chinese after seeing my friends singing in chinese. Trust me, one day, I will sing a chinese song during another KTV session and I will shock everyone! ^_^


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