Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 21 - Simple Routined Life in Wuhan

So after about 3 weeks in Wuhan, let me explain to you the routine that my friends and I go through most of the days when we have nothing to do. Today's lesson was rather short because Ms Neo gave us free time to study for our test the next day. Do not get me wrong, I did study! ^_^
During today's class, Ms Neo covered two practical lessons on AON network diagrams and reports respectively. Both practicals were the easiest among all the practicals, so it took about ony 3 hours to cover both lessons.
So after lessons, my friends and I had lunch at the school canteen. Sometimes, we will have lunch outside if there is no class or if the break is long. Usually after lunch, we would head back to class to have our second part of lesson but for today, there is no afternoon class because Ms Neo allowed us to revise for our test! This will not be the case if I were to study in Ngee Ann because the teachers are busy, the time table in Ngee Ann is usually fixed and cannot be changed around freely. So as usual, I will order spicy tofu fried rice when eating at the school canteen. Seriously, it sounds normal but it is tasty! ^_^
So usually after lunch or after class, my roommates and I will usually collect the laundry from the laundry room. To wash 1 bucket of our laundry, it only cost 4RMB which is about $0.80! So we will usually send 2 buckets of laundry, about 2 to 3 times a week. We usually have to wait for 2 days to get back the laundry because we told the laundry auntie to hang dry the clothes for us. At the laundry area, there is also a bathing area for guys. The bathing area is usually used by guys who does not want to wait to use their common toilets at their own dormitory. To me, it is quite normal because when I was in sports school for 3 years, I have also been using common toilets. ^_^
So after collecting our laundry, we will go back to our dormitory to rest. If we are tired, we will stay in the dormitory but if we are not, we will usually go out to explore Wuhan! As for today, let me say it for the third time, we are staying in to study for our test the next day! ^_^
Oh, and today, I discovered halal hotdogs! The hotdogs are made from beef and it tastes different from the hotogs I eat in Singapore. Talking about halal hotdogs, halal food in Wuhan is quite rare. This is because in Wuhan, muslims are the minorities. So while I am here, let me make the minority group larger by one! ;D
The think the routine in Wuhan is almost similar to the routine in Singapore. The only difference is that in Singapore, we live far away from school but in Wuhan, most of the students stay very near the school as the students there come from various parts of China. However despite the daily routine, I am still very happy and contented because of the experience of im getting from staying in Wuhan. As each day passes, I will learn something even though it is something small. As for today, not only did I realise that they do sell halal hotdogs, I also realise that whatever routine I go through during this trip, the China students have to go through it for 6 months! They have to go to school, eat, send their laundry, bath, study and get to go out usually during the weekends. I will get bored doing thjs and not able to see family members for months. However the good thing is that because they stay together with their friends, the bond they have is strong. This is good because at least they have someone to lean on when they are down! ^_^


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