Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 23 - Cherry Blossoms

For today's IS lesson, Ms Grace thought us the overview of Chinese philosophy. Some of the things I leant during the class was the history of Chinese philosophy, the main schools of thought and famous mottoes by Chinese ancient sages such as Confucius and Meng Zi. Now let me share some things that I learnt in class today.

According to what was thought, Chinese philosophy has a history of several thosand years; its origins are often traced back to the Yi Jing (the Book of Changes), an ancient compendium of divination, which uses a system of 64 hexagrams to guie action. The main school of thoughts are Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, Legalism and Buddhism.

- Confucianism was developed by Confucius
Confucianism is a philosophy that seeks harmony of society and the individual in society. It is concerned with proper relationships between people and an orderly hierachy that stresses not respect for superiors but also the proper behaviour of the superiors.
- Taoism was created by Lao Tzu
Tao Te Ching means the way of ultimate reality, which exists beyong the physical sense of men. Tao is also the way ofthe universe. It moves in endless cycles and never changes. All life comes from it, but nothing produced by Tao lasts forever. This philosphy stresses that everything should be in ahrmony with nature by doing nothing. That is, on finds peaceful life by following the natural flow of life so that one maintains both internal and external balance. It emphasizes the simple life and the aim is to be desire-free, so Taoists reject self-assertiveness, competition and ambition.
- Mohism was founded by Mozi
Mohism promotes universal love with the aim of mutual benefit. Everyone must love each other equally an impartially to avoid conflict and war. Mozi was strongly against Confucian ritual, instead emphasizing pragmatic survival through farming, fortification, and statecraft.
- Legalism
It is a political philosophy that does not address higher questions pertaining to the nature and purpose of existence. It is concerned with the most effective way of governng society.
- Buddhism
Introduced in India. The Buddha taught one to find peace within oneself, and tht sufferig stemmed from desire and attachment.

My favourite motto was by Confucius:
When you know a thing, recognize that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, recognize that you do not know it. This is a wise attitude.

So after class, my friends and I went to the Cherry Blossoms! ^_^ I always thought that the Cherry Blossoms would be red in colour because of the word 'Cherry' but the Cherry Blossoms that I saw was mostly white in colour! Despite the confusion in colour, it was a very beautiful sight as the entire stretch of road was filled with white flowers on very tall trees. ^_^
Other than the white cherry blossoms, there are also other flowers. Enjoy these pictures! ^_^

The Rose among the Thorns? ^_^

Not only were we entertain by the scenery, we were also entertained by the volleyball competition that was going on! Here are some of the pictures and a video! ^_^

Volleyball Match


During the IS lesson, I realized that Confucius is a very well-known, respected person. Before my trip to Wuhan and before the lesson, I have always wondered who exactly is Confucius but I was never curious enough to actually go and research about him. Now I knew what I needed to know. I know that Confucianism is a philosophical school developed from the teachings of the sage Confucius and that Confucius stresses the importance of education. Among many others, he said that thinking without study is dangerous and study without thinking is useless. This sentence alone can be applied throughout my whole life as a person who is learning continuously.

It was quite amusing how a University could become a place for tourist attraction. We actually had to pay 10RMB to go into the school at that period of time! However despite paying the 10RMB which is about $2, I think is worth it as I get to see the Cherry Blossoms which are rare and also cannot be seen in Singapore! ^_^

One last thing. Remember once I said that I wanted to improve my comfort level with strangers? Today, I took it to another level by taking a picture with random strangers! Good thing the strangers are willing to take a photo. ^_^


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