Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 26 - Jiang Han Lu, Food Paradise

Today was the day I went out with my whole new bunch of friends! It was my first time going out with them. It felt weird at first but after about 5 minutes, I got used to them! We took a bus to Jiang Han Lu. It was my second time taking a bus in Wuhan but my first time taking the bus without the WUST students. The bus ride was so cheap! It only cost about 2RMB per ride which is about $0.40. Which means that the passenger can go as far as he wants as long as he pays 2RMB! ^_^

When I was on the bus on my way to Jiang Han Lu, I saw this lady knitting. She was able to knit at such a fast pace without even looking that I got amazed by her and took her picture! ^_^
So after 30 minutes, we finally arrived at Jiang Han Lu. The place was full of people. It is as just as crowded as Orchard Road! After I walked for a while, I saw workers setting up a billboard! It was the first time I saw workers changing a billboard manually. It was at that point of time did I realize that it was tedious work. The workers had to climb up and down the ladder for more than 50 times if I were to count the number of strips in the billboard. Good thing there are 5 workers working together. Good thing in Singapore, billboards are starting to become electronic. ^_^

The first fire station I saw in Wuhan.

The first thing I did at Jiang Han Lu was to buy food! My friends brought me around to try the food at the area. There were many food stalls but I was only able to try some because the food sold were non-halal. At least the food I ate were delicious! ^_^

Eating red bean beancurd!

Halal satay!

Spicy Beancurd! p.s. Taste like Tom Yam Soup
After eating at the roadside stalls, I accompanied my friends to an IT mall to buy laptop covers. The IT mall was rather empty. No people came to buy anything from the mall. It was the total opposite from the IT mall at Guang Gu. The IT mall at Guang Gu was so crowded that sometimes I had to walk shoulder to shoulder with a stranger! So after getting the laptop covers, we headed for Ajisen Ramen to have our dinner! Compared to Singapore, the prices were much cheaper although it may seem costly to the locals.
Scallop Ramen!
After dinner, my friends and I just went to walk around and relax for the day. After all, Miss Neo did give us a day off today from class because she knew we were tired from the trip to Wudang Mountain! ^_^

Today I saw the most interesting thing. I woman running in the middle of a moving traffic.

Just by looking at this picture, it seems like a road in Orchard. However the difference is that there are people in the middle of the road. This is happening because no action is taken if people jay-walk in China! In Singapore, if a person is to be caught jay-walking, he or she would be fined. In primary school once, I remembered getting caught for jay-walking and I got punished by my teacher to write "I will not jay-walk again" many times on a piece of paper. To me, jay-walking is wrong and very dangerous but I still do it because it is the most efficient way to cross a road! In China, even the zebra crossing has no power. Even when a pedestrian is walking on the zebra crossing, the vehicles do not stop! The most they would do is to slow down to the point where the car is moving very slowly but it will still not stop. May be that is why the people in China are jay-walking everywhere! In Singapore, the zebra crossin has the power. Vehicles would stop if there is a pedestrian crossing the road. From just this example, we can see a difference between Singaporeans drivers and the drivers in Wuhan. ^_^


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