Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 12 - Smiles All Around

I slept the day before hoping that today would be a cool and sunny day. I realized that jogging in scuch a weather would be an unforgettable experience as I will never experience it in Singapore. Thus, when I opened my eyes this morning, my hopes were not crushed as the sun was in the clear sky smiling right at me! ^_^
After being close to fainting due to dehydration after jogging, IS lesson was up next. Teaching the lsstoday was a different teacher from the first IS lesson. Ms Grace was more cheerful than the previous teacher. Other than giving away free smiles to everyone, she also gave away free local tidbits for the class to try. How sweet and thoughtful of her! IS lesson today was taught in a different way. Usually teachers would just teach their students by spoon feeding them with information after information. However for Ms Grace, she will usually give a question or two for the students to think and discuss about in small groups before she tells them the answers. I think the plus point for this technique is that it allows the students to think, thus subconsciously making them curious for the answers. However, I think that this technique is not effective for Singaporean students because since young, Singaporean students are being spoon fed and depriving the students to think and find the answers themselves. This is still a big issue for students in Singapore.

Look at china, it looks like a hen!

So after IS lesson, as per normal, I went to have lunch with my friends and returned to my dormitory to do my work. After doing my work for quite some time, Si Hao received a call from one of the my work for quite some time, Si Hao received a call from one of the WUST students Gao Chaoran. Si Hao told us that Chaoran got a book prize today and wanted to treat us for dinner! At first, my plan was to stay in the dormitory and do my work the whole night but since the occasion was something special, I changed plans. I was told that it was a culture in China that when someone achieved something or received a happy news no matter how big or small it is, the person should treat his or her friends. I find this really good because most of my friends are usuallyy more successful than me, so that means I will get treated a lot! However sadly, this is not the case in Singapore because most Singaporeans are stingy and they would be unwilling to treat people for their success because most people would say that it is just a waste of money.

Chaoran is the boy on the right of the picture.

So during dinner, everyone was hyped up. Someone will tell a joke and we would exchange smiles and laughter. Despite the noise that everyone was making, my attention was only paid to one thing and one thing only. The famous Wuchang fish! It was huge, not to forget delicious! The spices used including the 'sambal' on the fish, or in English I think it is called chilli paste, enhanced the taste of the fish. However the barbequed fish that I ate when I was in Melacca is still ranked first in my list of delicious fishes around the world! ^_^

Now that you know about a little bit about delicious fishes, let me tell you another story about the boy who works in the restaurant. In the restaurant that I ate at today, there was a small boy aged about 8 years old who works at the restaurant. He was an outgoing boy becaue he was not shy of customers who came to the shop. I think that the shop is owned by his family because I saw him studying at one of the dining table when there were not mnay customers. What caught my attention about the boy was that he could speak a little English! During the dinner, the boy kept coming to my table, fooling and playing around with my friends and me. So since I love kids, I decided to play along with him. At first he did not want to take a picture with me because I guess he was shy. However after sometime, he got comfortable and agreed to take a picture with me. After my dinner as I as walking back to my dormitory, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was the small boy and he was holding a piece of paper and a pen. He wanted my autograph! He told my friends in Chinese that he thought I was the only foreigner and that all my friends were from China! I guess he admires foreigners since it is rare for one to come the shop. Flattered, I gave him my autograph and he said "Thank you! See you again! Good Bye!" I was amazed because he was the first kid that spoke English to me in Wuhan! It did not take me long to realize that he was a smart boy. I really hope that when he grows up, he will be able to maste both English and Chinese which will really be of advantage to him in the future when he enters the working world.

Finally after 12 days in Wuhan, my roommates and me finally found a water dispenser that sells water for 1RMB per 5 litres! How cheap is that! For the past few 1 week, we have been buying water for 7RMB per 4 litres at supermarkets. Now, we can have more money for food and shopping! ^_^ In my opinion, 1RMB per 5 litres is too cheap. May be it is because that I have been living in a country with a high standard of living, that is why I find it too cheap. In Singapore, a bottle of 500ml of mineral water cost about $1.00. Convert it to RMB, that is 5RMB for a bottle of 500ml of mineral water in Singapore! It is 10 times more expensive in Singapore! Now I understand why foreigners come Singapore to work. ^_^

To round off the day, here is a video of a tanker and the dangerous symbol that I saw just outside of my dormitory! Class A, Corrosive! ;D


The most memorable thing today was jogging early morning in the cold weather. Jogging in cold weather is not as easy you think. You may not perspire even a little but trust me; it is twice as tough as jogging in a 33 degree Celsius day in Singapore. It is very difficult to breathe. It is still all right in the first few minutes but after a while when you are starting to get tired, that is when breathing difficulty comes in. At that point of time, the strength of your lungs and heart are being tested. It is simple; the stronger they are, the longer you last. As for me, I think I have a long way to go. However I think that believing that I can do it is all ready half the battle won. ^_^


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