Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 24 - To The Top of Mount Wudang! [Part 1]

It was about 7am in the morning as we left WUST for Wudang Mountain. Travelling for more than 300km for about 5 hours in a bus, I saw many interesting sights.

Ever since I saw the sign "Emergency Stop Area. No Traveling.", until this very moment, I still do not understand the significance of the sign. I cannot think of anything that links both sentences together. If anyone has any thing to say about this, please do not hesitate to comment!
Look at the amount of hay stack there is surrounding that house! What I know about hay is that it is either grass, legumes or other herbaceous plants that have been cut, dried, and stored for use as animal fodder. So from that, I am guessing that the owner of the house is breeding livestock such as cattle, horses, goats and sheep and using the hay as food as grazing is unavailable due to the weather. ^_^
Look, they are making a road in the middle of nowhere!
Pardon my weakness in geography but from the looks of it, it looks like a tombolo! A tombolo if I am not wrong is a deposition landform in which an island is atached to the mainland by a narrow piece of land such as a spit. Honestly, I never thought learning geography would come in handy until now. ^_^
As I rode the bus for the final 1km before reaching Wudang Mountains, we stopped for lunch before continuing our final journey to the foot of the mountains! At the final few hundred metres before officially reaching the mountains, I saw 3-wheeled taxis! The vehicle used handles to drive instead of a steering wheel! It really took the trishaws in Singapore to a whole new level. ^_^

As I arrived at the mountains, the first few shops I saw were all selling weapons, weapons and more weapons!
As I entered the ticketing area, there were so many people! Everyone was getting their tickets and waiting for their turn to take the shuttle bus up the mountain to the first place of attraction. Most of the people who were waiting to go up the mountain are mainly tourist groups such as us. As we were waiting for the bus, we were given a small CD as a souvenior. ^_^
Thr first place of attraction was the Crown Prince Slope, also named as Fuzhen Palace, backs on the Mount Lion and fronts on the deep caves. It is also on the list of National Key Cultural Relics Protection Sites for its serene environment, picturesque scenery and ordery, refined layout, Crown Prince Slope was built by order of the emperor in 1412, the 10th year under the reign of the Ming Emperor Yongle, repaired for three times during the Qing Dynasty. It is a grand Taoist temple in Wudang ancient architectural complex.
See the red ribbons that are up on the tree? It is believed that throwing the red ribbon up the tree which will help prayers come true such as praying for health, business, family etc.
Tea Time!
I bet all of you have never seen such inspirational dustbins before ! ^_^
The second place of attraction that we went to known as the Purple Cloud Temple, which is a place of respect to the Gof and Deity. There are altogether 29 buildings consisting of the Dragon and Tiger hall, the Purple Sky Hall, the East Hall, the West Hall, and the Parent Hall.
After the second place, we were first being brought to the hotel to check in. I was walking towards my hotel, I saw many other hotels along the streets. The hotels were so small and if remembered correctly, there were more than 20 small hotels! Our hotel was considered one of the best hotels in that area. ^_^
After checking in, we went to our last attraction for the day! We were supposed to climb up and down through a pathway to reach another temple but we stopped halfway as we know that we will not be able to make it back in time for dinner. So after a sneak preview of what I am going to see the next day during the climb to the Golden Summit, I am only going to show you guys one beautiful picture of the scenery! ^_^

After today's trip, I realised that geography and history actually have their importance in the world. When I was in secondary school, I was always complaining that humanity subjects are very boring and that they have no use in the modern world now. However today I realized that everything in the world now revolves around history and geography. The mountain itself has its own history. Without the history of the mountain, the temple and the people, I do not think that Wudang Mountain would be what it is now, a tourist attraction. Other than the Wudang Mountain, places such as the Yellow Crane Tower is also a tourist attraction because of it's history. Without the history of the Yellow Crane Tower, it would just be another tower.
Another thing I realized is that the mountain is really loved by the people to the extend that even on dustbins, there are phrases such as "To Protect the Environment is to Protect Ourselves", "Every Lovely Plant and Flower Needs Your Priceless Love" and "Protect the Environment and Feel the Pulse of the Holy Mount Wudang". This either shows that the people there are environmental friendly or the phrases are there to encourage people not to litter to keep the mountain clean. ^_^


Unknown said...

It's a nice pictures of Mount Wudang trip. This is a wonderful place with the perfect mixture of architecture and nature, a perfect blending of buildings and mountains that nurtures your dreams and feelings. This is a worth visiting place you must not miss at all. Know more about Wudang Mountains

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