Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 35 - New WUST Campus

Today was the day when all of us met a whole new bunch of Chinese students in the new WUST which is the Huang Jia Hu Campus! I thought that the trip to the campus would be faster than going to Guang Gu but it was not! It took more than 1 hour to reach the Huang Jia Hu Campus from our campus at Qing Shan. When we reached the school, there were more than 50 Chinese students waiting for us. Each of us had been assigned partners to accompany us during the whole trip. After being assigned partners, we were being brought to a room for an introduction session with the China students. There were performances by the China students and also our own students.

After being warmly entertained by the China students, we were brought to their school library. Their school library was enormous! When I entered their library, there was a history area aboutthe library, a computer lab and other normal library sections. There was even a badminton area at one of the section of the library! In the library, there were many Chinese and English books. I even saw an English-Russian dictionary in he library!

At the library, I also saw a model of the campus! The campus was very huge! I was told by my partner that the total population in the campus itself was about 20,000 people! When I looked at the model also, I realised that they have a lot more sports facilities compared to my campus in Qing Shan. As you can see from the model, there are 18 table tennis tables, 10 badminton courts and 26 basketball courts at one area! That is just simply amazing! ^_^

After going to the library, my partner and me had lunch and went to explore the new WUST campus! ^_^

I was shocked that out of the 2 fields that I saw in the campus, both of them are occupied with students playing soccer! Seeing them playing soccer with such passion adds on the to the atmosphere of the 2010 Fifa World Cup in South Africa! ^_^
After that, we gathered to play some games and headed to one of the most important place in the campus, The Central Laboratory of Basic Medical Sciences! In the laboratory, I saw disections of the human body all the way from the fetus, to a newborn baby, toddler and adults.

After the visit to the laboratory, we finally finished and had to head back to our campus in Qing Shan. ^_^

After visiting the new WUST campus today, I feel very priveleged to be studying in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Although the atmostphere in Ngee Ann maybe be not be as fresh as the atmosphere in the new WUST campus, the facilities in Ngee Ann are still of high quality. As the time goes by, Ngee Ann Polytechnic is being upgraded slowly so that the students can have the best learning experience during their years in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Just imagine how high-tech and modern the campus will be if Ngee Ann were to built a whole new campus!


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