Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 32 - Happy Birthday Si Hao

Happy Birthday Si Hao! We succeeded in surprising him! We al hi in Si Hao's room toilet and we appeared when he walked into the room. His face was so shocked, happy, it was priceless! I did not think that he expected us to have any celebration for him, so that good for us who preparing the surprise party for him. We had bought him his birthday present yesterday and the local students also prepared birthday gifts for him as well. I was really glad that Si Hao was touched and happy. ^_^

Today was a rather free and easy day. I spent my time doing my project for most of the day and went out at night. We went to a street called Pu Sing Jie. It was similar to Bugis Street in Singapore, only bigger and better. There are so many tings at Pu Sing Jie such as watches, accessories, drinks, food, shirts, pants etc. What I know about the area is that it only opens at night and that if it rains, none of the stalls will be open. Lucky on that day, the weather was clear and we got to shopped! ^_^

At Pu Sing Jie, it was very crowded. I had to walk shoulder to shoulder with the people in the area. I think it is very dangerous because it is the best place where a pick pocket can do his job. It is also a place where things can get stolen easily without even anyone knowing. However I am quite glad because throughout the walk at Pu Sing Jie, everything went smoothly and nothing bad happened to me and my friends. Maybe if I have the time, I might come here again to shop before I fly back to Singapore! ^_^


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