Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 40 - Ms Wong's Apartment

The main activity for today was actually to visit Ms Wong, our former mathematics teacher's apartment during her stay in Wuhan and we did just that! While we were waiting for Ms Wong to arrive together with Ms Neo, we took a photo with the locals students for one of the last time.

So after Ms Wong arrived, she brought us to her apartment which was only about 5 minutes walk away from our dormitories. The first time I saw her apartment really made me feel like I was at home! There were 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a toilet. Although the condition was not so bad, it was a horrible experience for Ms Wong as she told us that during the earlier part of winter, the apartment was so cold that she was literally shivering just to walk from her bedroom to the toilet! Furthermore, there was no heater in her apartment! Good thing there is a heater in my dormitory. ^_^ So after a short chat, we left Ms Wong's apartment to have dinner at a nearby restaurant. I was glad because tonight's dinner was on Ms Wong! ^_^

Even though we had a short chat with Ms Wong about her experience while staying in Wuhan, it was an informative chat. She shared with us her experiece on how cold it can be in her apartment during the early winter and how her lifestyle is while she is in Wuhan. She told us that the food here is very oily and that she does not like it. However for me, I love the food here because it is rather tasty! May be different people have different perspective. Although we think that her apartment is much better compared to our dormitory, she said that her apartment is bad compared to her house in Singapore! Then again, it comes back to one's perspective. ^_^


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