Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 37 - Basketball and Farewell Dinner

We started the day off with a friendly basketball match with the WUST students. The friendly match was actually organised by the student union of WUST so as to interact and make friends with the WUST students. Obviously, basketball is not our forte. After 2 hours of play, we lost to the WUST students by quite a huge margin. Despite losing, I felt that it was a good game and it was fun! However during the game, Si Hao got injured. He sprained his ankle and was actually sent to the hospital to get an x-ray check. Luckily, nothing serious happened and turned out his injury was just a minor injury. ^_^

In the evening, it was time for our farewell dinner at XHC Gourmets. Each student had to pay 50RMB for the dinner and I thought it was worth it. Before the dinner started, tokens of appreciation were given to the people who has made this OIP possible. A short speech was also given by me who represented MDE and Sam who represented ECE to actually thank the people who had made this OIP possible and also to apologize for any misbehaviour during the trip. ^_^

After dinner, something terrible actually happened to me. My stomach was painful, I felt weak and felt like fainting. Luckily for me, I have my friends who took me back to the dormitory safe and sound. When I returned back to the dormitory not long after, my body let out all the unwanted things in my body by vomitting and I felt much better. ^_^
It was really an unforgettable experience to play a basketball match with such talented students. I have never played a basketball match before and playing it for the first time with China students was really something special to me. In China, their main sports are basketball, badminton and table tennis. That is one of the reasons why in many of their universities in Wuhan, there are many basketball courts, table tennis tables and badminton courts! Although we can see that the students in Wuhan are exposed to very little variety of sports, that is not the case when China come together as one. Just look at China when is comes to the Asian Games and the Olympic Games. China is one of the strongest or even maybe the strongest country when it comes to sports! Even after 1000 yeaars, I do not think it is even possible for Singapore to come close to China in terms of sporting talents. At least Singaporeans have the advantage when it comes to education! ^_^


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