Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

Day 33 - Project Work With Groupmates

In today's class, we did a 2009 revision paper as Miss Neo has finished teaching alll the topics already. Good thing the paper was manageble! However Miss Neo said that our coming paper would not be as easy as the one we did but I am sure that if I am ready, I will be able to do it without any problems. ^_^ After we have done the paper, she went through the paper with us and we were given free time for the rest of the day to do our project.

After having lunch, I met my groupmates to do our project for the rest of the day to prepare for our presentation tomorrow. To be honest, I am quite glad with my group members and that I am lucky to have them. They are efficient as they work as a team and that is what is most important. ^_^


After working for the whole day with my group, I feel that we have become closer. While doing the project today, we worked together to overcome every errors that we found in our project. By working together, we might not be able to perfect our project but I am sure that we tried to make minimal mistakes as possible. As what I was told by Ms Neo, when working as a group, our group members can spot our mistakes. So when this happens, we can amend our project so that it goes well. ^_^


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