Fathullah Soaring To Wuhan !
I'd never given much thought to how I would spent my holidays but fate has. So follow me on this exciting, extraodinary suspenseful life-changing trip to Wuhan!

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Day 41 - Bye Wuhan, Hi Singapore

The day we are finally heading back to Singapore has arrived! So at 8am, we met outside the school campus where 2 buses were already waiting for us. I felt quite guilty for making the WUST students wake up so early. Actually we were suppose to have breakfast with the WUST students for the last time but by the time we were ready, it was already 7.30am. Although we had to time to eat with them, they were very kind enough to buy us breakfast so that we do not go on the plane with an empty stomach. So before I left my dormitory, I took pictures with everyone of the WUST students who have helped me throughout the whole OIP.

After taking our final pictures together, we had to load the buses with our luggages. Personally, I thought that we really had a lot of things.

As we reach the airport, we took quite some time to check in. The ride to the airport was about 1 hour. As there were many free counters, we used their electronic weighing machine to weigh our check-in luggage. As for those students whose luggages are overweight, they had to rearrange their things and hand carry some of their items. Although it may be troublesome to carry heavy items on hand, on the brightside, at least nobody had to pay extra. At the Wuhan airport, I saw some of my other friends from the other divisions, so I decided to take pictures with them! ^_^

After checking in our luggages at the Wuhan airport, Ms Neo mentioned that our luggage will be sent from Wuhan straight to Singapore. However when we arrived at Guangzhou, we had to collect our luggages and check them in again. Due to this, our flight was delayed 2 hours! We finally arived at Singapore at 10.15pm. Although arrival time was delayed, I was glad that I manage to reach Singapore safely and that nothing bad happened during the flight. ^_^

As I arrive in Singapore, I could remember all the things that happened in Wuhan as if it all happened yesterday. All the trips to the Yellow Crane Tower, the Three Gorges Cruise, the Wudang Mountain was really something unforgettable. Other than these study trips, I also did not forget all the fun we had when we played games, eat together, shop together and even cutting our hair together! Studying in Wuhan was also totally something different from studying in Singapore. Some of the students might not like the feeling but I find that the atmosphere in Wuhan is much more better for studying than the atmosphere in Singapore. May be Wuhan is a new place to me, so that is why I have such feelings.
Other than that, I have learnt and experience many things in Wuhan that cannot be experienced from the books. I learned to become more patient as a person. I have learned how to become more independent as a person. Although I might have relied a lot on my Chinese friends during the trip to translate every word the locals say, I think I have done quite some things that may surprise people. On the last few days, I manage to buy my own food and drinks without the help of any of my Chinese friends and I am proud of it. I know whatever I learned in Wuhn will be of great use in the future. I am also definitely sure that the memories for this trip will stay in my mind for the rest of my life. ^_^