As the drizzle stopped after the morning half of the day, Si Hao decided to walk around in short pants and everyone was looking at him! I bet everyone was thinkin why he is walking around in short pants when it is so cold! ^_^
Enough of the rain. In today's class, I was thought PERT! Let me tell you a little bit about PERT. PERT is Program Evaluation and Review Technique. It is used where the activity durations are uncertain or subject to uncontrollable variation, thus not able to work out an exact project duration date. When this happens, PERT should be used to work out a mean project duration together with a standard deviation of the project duration. PERT is usually suited for Research and Development projects where the durations of activities are more difficult to estimate and are also subjected to uncontollable variation. To me PERT is similar to mathematics as it uses many formulas. However comparing PERT to mathematics, PERT is easier but more teious, I think. ;D
So after class, I went out of the campus to walk around and look what I saw!
Its amusing how the vehicles in Wuhan including buses can just park wherever and however they want without being fined! Just look at how the buses and vans are parked facing each other on one side of the road. I have never and will never see such things in Singapore! Even if I do, the driver is definitely going to be fined and and definitely going to be dealt with by the authority. ^_^
At night, when my friends ordered KFC, I was amazed by what they use to send the KFC delivery! It is an electical scooter! It was funny but really smart because it will really conserve fuel by using an electical scooter. How innovative! I wonder if I can see Singapore's KFC using elctrical scooters to send their deliveries one day. ^_^
Today was rather wet and cold compared to my other days in Wuhan. It is a good thing I bought water proof boots during the first week in Wuhan! Anyway, I think that being prepared is important when you are going to a new country, especially the changing of weather. After being in Wuhan for 20 days, I realise that Wuhan's weather can be predictable for a moment but change all of a sudden! It can be warm one minute and cold the next minute. Similar to Singapore but a more drastic change.
Other than the weather, I think somehow, allowing the drivers to park their vehicles anywhere they want is a good idea because in China, there are no parking lots. It would be troublesome for a driver to park at a parking lot more than 1 kilometre away from his house just because illegal parking is not allowed. However I think it would be good also if the drivers could park nicely rather than park facing other vehicles. ^_^
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